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OPIC 영면달

[OPIC 영면달] vol2. 취미 소개하기_오픽 모범답안_영어면접



오픽에서 매우 자주 나오는 유형은

취미에 대해 하기 입니다.


취미 소개에서 말할 수 있는 내용으로는

취미, 빈도, 좋아하는 이유, 세부 설명, 장점 등이 있겠죠.

이를 중심으로 오픽 답안을 구성해보죠.



My hobby is doing yoga.

I do yoga three times a week, every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday.

What I like most about yoga is that I can lose weight and gain muscle. After practicing yoga for 3 months, I've lost 2 kilograms and I look a lot more fit than before.

Although people think yoga is an easy exercise, it is not actually that easy as people think. You have to bend and twist a lot. It takes several months or even more than a year to be able to practice all the yoga positions.

As it’s only been 3 months since I started yoga, there are many positions that I cannot do. But I believe I’ll do much better in a year.

There are many other benefits of yoga, such as relieving stress and getting good sleep at night.


이중에서 밑줄진 표현 부분에는

여러분들의 케이스로 답안을 변형하시면 됩니다.


영어 취미소개 필수표현

My hobby is ~. 제 취미는 ~입니다.

I do ~ three times a week, 저는 ~를 일주일에 세 번 합니다.

What I like most about ~ is that .... 제가 ~에 대해 좋아하는 것은 ...입니다.

There are many other benefits of ~, such as .... ~의 다른 장점들도 많은데, 예를 들면 ...입니다.